
Sunday 22 July 2012

LG To Bring In 60-Inch Flexible OLED Display By 2017

The project in itself is pretty futuristic and a flexible OLED display at such a dimension hasn't come up till now. Just imagine an ultra-high definition 152-cm (60-inch) display that is flexible! Sounds amazing, right? Well, this dream will come true by 2017 when Korea based LG Display will actually launch it. The Korean government under its ‘Future Flagship Program’ has selected LG to develop transparent and flexible organic light-emitting diode (OLED)displays that will be used at bus stations, aquariums and retail stores for showing information and of course advertising!

The Ministry of Knowledge Economy, the leader of this program, will create close to 840,000 jobs for research and development of transparent flexible displays and will achieve exports worth almost $56 billion, as an estimate, said LG Display.

Avaco, an equipment manufacturer for display production of flexible OLEDs is also included in the project and LG will lead the entire project. The project in itself is pretty futuristic and a flexible OLED display at such a dimension hasn't come up till now. Now, it's being rumoured that a close competitor- Samsung will introduce flexible OLEDs later this year as well.

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