
Tuesday 13 October 2015




Carrot is a precious gift which has given by nature to us, is the repository of strength. It is a vegetable and also a fruit. It is cultivated in all over India. Carrot also grows under the earth like radish.
Taking carrot keeps the body soft and beautiful. It increases strength and weight of the body. Feeding carrot juice to the baby makes dentition normal and also helps in the digestion of milk. Taking carrot is useful to cure piles, tuberculosis and end bile disorders. Its juice is very useful for the brain. It keeps the body healthy and increases prophylactic (Fighting power) in the body too. It also reduces the inflammation of the anus.

Name in different languages:

English        :             Carrot
Hindi            :             Gajar
Color: Carrot is black, red, yellow and golden.
Taste: Carrot is sweet and vapid.
Structure: Carrot’s plant is grown in the field.
Precaution: Taking over quantity of carrot may be harmful.
Precaution: Taking jaggery is useful to end stomachache caused by eating carrot in over quantity. If someone has been suffering from gastric problems, give carrot juice or boil carrot to him with water and give this water, it will provide relief. Water should not be drunk after taking carrot. Middle part of carrot should not be taken because it generates cough.
Removing bad effect: Jaggery should be used to remove the bad effects of carrot.
Compare: Carrot can be compared with turnip.
Quality: Taking carrot keeps the heart happy and provides strength to the stomach. It makes the nature normal and stimulates sperm count. It brings phlegm out after melting. It cures cough and brings phlegm out from the chest. Taking carrot helps in urination clearly. It eliminates stone after melting and cures dropsy. Giving carrot juice to the insanity person is beneficial. Its pudding and dishes are nutritive and increase the body strength.
According to scientists: Carrot contains protein, fatness, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus sulphur and starch. Orange carrot contains carotene in enough quantity. When the carrot digests in the liver after taking, generates vitamin-A in the body. Carrot contains fasforas which is very useful for the eyes. It contains iron elements which increases blood in the body. It contains sulphur which purifies the blood. It is useful to cure ulcer, pimples, and itching, ringworm and skin diseases.
Carrot can be taken in all diseases but it should not be taken in diabetes. Taking carrot juice is more useful than carrot. Its juice contains vitality. Taking carrot is useful for the nerves system.
Prophylactic (Fighting power):
             Taking carrot ends the weakness of the body caused by hard work. Taking carrot juice makes the digestive system strong. It kills poisonous germs and removes offensive smell of stool. Carrot contains carotene named element which is useful to cure cancer. If the person has been suffering from weakness caused by old diseases, giving carrot juice to him is very useful for the body. It makes the body strong, fresh, active and powerful. Mix toasted cumin seed, sugar and salt with carrot juice. Taking this mixture is useful to end vatta disorders.
Provisos:  Doubtlessly, Carrot juice is very useful to cure all the types of diseases, but it should not be taken in the condition of catarrh, chronic fever, pneumonia or severe fever because in these diseases, poisonous elements come out from the body. In this condition, carrot juice or any other beverages or any kinds of diet will cause hindrance but carrot juice is very useful in tonsillitis, dysentery, diarrhoea, anemia, stone, piles and ulcer, and blood diseases.
Method of making carrot juice: Carrot juice can be brought out with the help of grinding machine (Mixi). Or make round hole in iron strainer and crush carrot from back side on this strainer, it will prepare like powder. Put this powder in cloth and wring it, it brings juice out. Such type strainer and machine can purchase from the market.
Drinking carrot juice is very useful. One glass of carrot juice is completely food. One glass juice should be drunk in once time.  Drinking carrot juice regularly brings out dirtiness and poisonous elements from the body. It cures dangerous diseases and also cancer.
According to the natural properties of carrot, the doctors consider that carrot is useful product for the poor like apple. The person who can’t purchase apple they can take carrot to get same benefit. It removes deficiency of blood and increases blood. Drinking carrot juice in sufficient quantity makes the body active and strong. 

Useful in different diseases:

1. Sterility: Put carrot seeds on burnt coal (Coyala) and give its smoke in the uterus as well as drink carrot juice regularly, it ends sterility.   
2. Pregnancy: Drink carrot juice in pregnancy consequently, septic does not occur and calcium also increases in the body. The mother who suckles to her baby should drink carrot juice regularly, it increases breast milk.
3. Loose motions:
  • Chronic loose motions, indigestible and sprue are ended by taking carrot. Taking carrot pickle is useful to get relief in spleen enlargement.
  • Mix some rock salt with half cup of carrot juice and lick it 4 times in a day, it prevents loose motions. 
4. Liver diseases: Taking juice, syrup or hot decoction of carrot is beneficial to get relief in liver diseases.
5. Cancer: Cancer is cured by taking carrot juice. It is very useful to cure blood cancer and stomach cancer.
6. Acidity: Taking carrot juice is useful to get relief in acidity.
7. Fast pulsation of the heart: Drinking carrot juice twice a day regularly is useful to get relief in the heart weakness. It also is very useful in fast pulsation of the heart and blood disorders.
8. Indigestion of ghee, oil and oily products: Drinking 300 ml carrot juice with 150 ml spinach juice digests ghee, oil and oily products easily.
9. Large intestines swelling: Mix 200 ml carrot juice, 150 ml juice of common beet and 150 ml cucumber juice together thereafter give it to the patient for drinking to get relief in swelling.
10. Diseases of the nose and throat: Drinking 250 ml carrot juice with spinach juice regularly is useful to cure the diseases of the nose and throat.
11. Tooth diseases:
  • Drinking 70 ml carrot juice regularly tooth diseases does occur. It makes teeth root strong.
  • Carrot juice should be drunk regularly to make the teeth strong. It also makes teeth root strong and ends looseness of the teeth.
12. Breathing offensive smell: Mix equal quantity of carrot juice, spinach juice and cucumber juice together. Drinking this mixture is useful to remove offensive smell of the mouth.
13. Sperm with urine: Drinking 250 ml carrot juice thrice a day regularly is beneficial to end sperm with urine.
14. Lack of red iota (Kan) in blood: Taking 250 ml carrot juice with spinach juice is useful to increase red iota in blood. It also makes blood pressure normal and cures ulcer, urinary problems, and sperm with urine, kidney diseases, swelling of breathing pipe, cancer, cataract, cold, catarrh, scrofula and piles.
15. Gall stone:
  • Drinking 250 ml carrot juice with juice of salad (a type of tree) leaves brings out stone with urine after breaking consequently, patient gets relief.
  • Carrot juice should be drunk regularly to bring out gall stone with urine after breaking.
16. Kidney stone:
  • Taking 150 ml carrot juice with juice of common beet or cucumber (Kheera) or cucumber (kakdi) breaks kidney stone and ends vesica swelling, and cleans kidney. Carrot juice breaks stone of the vesica and kidney and brings out through urethra.    
  • Drink carrot juice 3-4 times in a day regularly or take ground seeds of carrot, it brings out stone.
  • Make hole in thick radish and fill one spoon seed of carrot and one spoon seed of turnip in it. Close hole of this radish and toast it on fire. Remove these seeds from radish and take it with water twice a day for one month regularly, it breaks stone.
  • Grind seeds of carrot, radish and turnip 5 grams each together and prepare sauce from it. Take 3 grams this sauce with water twice a day for 15 days regularly, it brings stone out after breaking.
17. Diseases and swelling of the kidney: Boil two spoons carrot seeds with one glass of water and drink consequently, urine comes out easily because of which diseases and swelling of the kidney and ended.
18. Bleeding: Taking carrot stops bleeding from any parts of the body.
19. Ulcer and pimples:
  • Tying hot poultice of carrot on ulcer and pimples is useful to cure ulcer and pimples. It melts blood clot of ulcer-pimples.
  • Boil carrot with water and prepare sauce from it and apply this sauce on pimples, it provides relief.
20. Burn from fire:
  • Apply ground carrot on the affected part, it ends burning sensation and consequently, pus does not occur.
  • Applying carrot juice on the affected part is beneficial to end burning sensation and pain.   
  • Apply carrot juice on the affected part again and again, it provides relief.
  • Ground carrot should be applied on the affected part; it ends burning sensation and provides relief from pain.
21. Chest pain: Boil carrot and mix honey in it. Taking this mixture provides relief from chest pain.
22. Knee pain: Carrot juice is useful to end rheumatism and joints pain. Mix equal quantity of juice of carrot, cucumber and common beet together. Drinking this mixture provides relief from knee pain.
23. Mentally tiredness: Take 6-7 almonds after that drink 125 ml carrot juice with 500 ml cow milk in the morning regularly, it increases memory power and ends mentally tiredness.   
24. Cancer:
  • Drinking 310 ml carrot juice with 125 ml spinach juice thrice a day regularly or drinking carrot juice with milk is useful to cure cancer. 
  • Drink one glass carrot juice with two spoons honey regularly; it cures cancer.
  • Drinking carrot juice with milk is beneficial to end headache and cure fever and cancer. It also increases red iota (Kan) in blood.
  • Drinking juice of black carrot is useful to cure blood cancer and stomach cancer.
25. Intestines swelling: Mix 180 ml carrot juice, 150 ml common beet juice and 160 ml cucumber (Kheera) juice together and take this mixture, it provides relief in intestines swelling.
26. Children weakness: Giving 2-3 spoons carrot juice to children regularly makes the body strong and powerful. Healthy children also should drink carrot juice, it increases body power. Children, who drink carrot juice since childhood, never get ill.  Giving carrot juice to children with milk develops memory of children.
27. Menstrual excretion disorders: Boil two spoons of carrot seeds and one spoon jiggery with one glass of water. Taking this hot preparation twice a day makes menstrual excretion normal and provides relief from pain.
28. Body power: Carrot contains vitamin-E in sufficient quantity. Taking it increases body power.
29. Constipation: Drinking carrot juice regularly breaks constipation.
30. Ulcer: Mix 150 ml carrot juice, 100 ml spinach juice and 50 ml cabbage juice together. Ulcer is cured by taking this mixture.
31. Anaemia:
  • If the person who has been suffering from anaemia (Lack of blood), give 200 ml carrot juice to him with 100 ml spinach juice, it increases blood quantity in the body.
  • Taking 100 ml carrot juice with 30 ml turnip juice regularly is useful to cure anaemia (Lack of blood).
32. Mentally depression: Drinking 250 ml carrot juice regularly is useful to end depression. Carrot juice is useful for the men-women of official and the person who is preparing the exam.
33. Hiccup: Drip 4-5 drops of carrot juice in both the nostrils, it prevents hiccup. Ground carrot should be smelled to prevent hiccup.
34. Tooth diseases: Drink 70 ml carrot juice regularly, any diseases does not occur in the gums and teeth. It also makes teeth root strong.
35. Impotency:
  • Take 100 grams pudding of carrot regularly, it increases sexual power.
  • Drinking 200 ml carrot juice is useful to increase sexual power.
  •  Drink carrot juice with honey, it makes thick sperm and ends impotency.
36. Breathing problems (Asthma):
  • Mix 185 ml carrot juice, 150 ml common beet juice and 125 ml cucumber juice together and drink, it provides relief in asthma. Carrot’s juice or carrot is useful to cure asthma.
  • Drink one glass hot juice of carrot regularly, it provides relief in asthma.
  • Taking 1 ml glass carrot juice twice a day (Morning and afternoon) for 10-15 days regularly is useful to cure asthma. Drinking carrot juice for long time is very useful for the body.
37. Premature graying:
  • Drink carrot juice regularly, it prevents premature graying.
  • Taking carrot juice regularly is useful to make the hair black, beautiful and shiny.
38. Eye diseases:
  • Drink carrot juice, it cures night blindness, blindness and other diseases of the eye. It also contains vitamin-A.
  • Drink carrot juice with spinach juice, it provides relief in cataract.
  • Taking carrot jam regularly increases eyesight and is useful to end night blindness, cataract and eyes swelling.
  • Taking green vegetables and carrot increases eyesight.
39. Cataract: Cataract is cured by taking 310 ml carrot juice with 125 ml spinach juice.
40. Night blindness:
  • Drink 200 ml juice of carrot regularly, it cures cataract and enhances the body strength.
  • Drinking carrot juice with milk regularly is useful to get relief in cataract.
41. Dry cough: Drinking 310 ml carrot juice with 125 ml spinach juice is useful to get relief in bronchitis. Carrot is very useful to cure dry cough.
42. Gastric ulcer:
  • Taking carrot juice with honey thrice a day regularly is useful to end stomach wound.
  • Vomiting is prevented by drinking carrot juice.
  • Take carrot juice with juice of currants, it provides relief.
43. Constipation:
  • Make lettuce by cutting carrot, radish, onion, tomato, cucumber and common beet together after that mix lemon juice and black salt in it. After that, take this lettuce, it provides relief in constipation.
  • Constipation is eliminated by drinking 200 ml juice of orange or carrot thrice a day.
  • Take 250 grams raw carrot empty stomach regularly, it breaks constipation and increases appetite.
  • Taking jam of carrot and myrabalan eliminates gas.
44. Breast milk: The mother who suckles her baby should drink carrot juice, it increases breast milk. Taking carrot juice or raw onion with food increases breast milk.
45. Gums disease: Drink 70 ml juice of carrot regularly twice a day, it cures gums disease.
46. Dandruff: Rub ground carrot on the forehead and hair root, it ends dandruff.
47. Vomiting: Drink carrot juice with honey, it prevents blood vomiting.
48. Disorders of death child in womb:
  • Give smoke of carrot seeds in the vagina; it ends womb disorders caused by death child in the womb.
  • Burn carrot seeds and pigeon tool on burn and give its smoke in the vagina and also give smoke of snack slough in the vagina, it brings out dead child from the womb.
49. Stomach gas:
  • Mix carrot juice, two spoons honey and some black salt together and take, it eliminates gas.
  • Take half cup carrot juice with two spoons juice of brassica- campestrice; it eliminates gas from the stomach.
50. Pregnancy weakness: Mix half cup carrot juice, half glass milk and honey (According to taste) together. Taking this mixture regularly ends weakness of pregnancy.
51. Catarrh: Taking about 125 ml spinach juice with 310 ml carrot juice is useful to cure cold and catarrh.
52. Abortion:
  • Burn pigeon stool and carrot seeds together on burn. Give its smoke in the vagina, it helps to abort.
  • Taking carrot seed, sesamem and cuddapa almond with jiggery helps in abortion.
53. Mouth offensive smell: Drink carrot juice, it makes digestive system strong because of which it removes offensive smell of the mouth. It also ends poisonous germs of stool.
54. Hematuria: Taking 1-3 grams powder of carrot seed twice a day is useful to get relief in hematuria.
55. Piles:
  • Taking carrot juice with spinach juice twice a day regularly is useful to cure piles.
  • Taking raw carrot or carrot juice is useful to cure piles.
  • Mix two cups carrot juice and one cup spinach juice together. Take this mixture twice a day for 20 days regularly; it cures all types’ piles. 
56. Dysmenorrhoea:
  • Boil 5 grams carrot seed with 100 ml water and 25 gram jiggery in it. After that, take this preparation, it makes menstrual excretion normal and cures dysmenorrhoea.
  • Take 1-3 grams powder of carrot juice twice a day regularly, it provides relief in dysmenorrhoea.
57. Menstrual excretion disorders:
  • Taking carrot pudding is useful to make menstrual excretion normal.
  • Grind carrot seeds and filter it in water and take this mixture; it makes menstrual excretion normal. 
58. Menstrual excretion disorders: Take 25 grams ground seeds of carrot; it ends many disorders of menstrual excretion.
59. Amoebic dysentery: Drinking carrot juice is useful to prevent chronic dysentery.
60. Wound:
  • Grind carrot on kaddhukas and heat it and tie it on the affected part, it provides much relief.
  • Make a paste by cooking carrot and apply it on the affected part, it will cure wound.
61. Indignation: Take juice of black carrot with honey, it cures indignation.
62. Liver diseases: Taking carrot is useful to cure liver diseases.
63.. White leucorrhoea: Mix juice of carrot, spinach, cabbage and common beet together and take, it ends uterus swelling and cures white leucorrhoea.
64. Leucorrhoea: Mix 200 ml carrot juice with 30 ml juice of common beet and take it with honey regularly, it provides relief in leucorrhoea.
65. Acidity: Drinking carrot juice is useful to get relief in acidity.
66. Pain and swelling: Apply carrot sauce on the affected part and tie bandage, it reduces swelling and provides relief from pain caused by hurt, sprain or any reason.
67. Appendicitis: Drinking carrot juice is useful to cure appendicitis.
68. Dropsy:
  • Taking carrot juice and musk-melon with whey is useful to cure dropsy.
  • Taking carrot juice with honey is beneficial to get relief in dropsy.
69. Metrorrhagia: Drinking 100 ml carrot juice twice a day regularly is useful to cure metrorrhagia.
70. Diabetes:
  • Mix one cup carrot juice, half cup spinach juice, half spoon cumin seeds and two pinches salt together and take this mixture for 20 days regularly, it provides relief in diabetes. The patient who has been suffering from high blood pressure should not take it.
  • Diabetes is normalized by taking 300 ml carrot juice with 150 ml spinach juice.
  • Mix 310 ml carrot juice, 185 ml spinach juice, salt and cumin seeds together and take this mixture, it provides relief in diabetes.
71. Obesity (Fatness): Taking carrot juice is useful to increase obesity (fatness).
72. Stomach diseases:
  • Taking carrot or carrot juice is beneficial to get relief in indignation, swelling, wound, dropsy, appendicitis, collative, irritation and loose motions. It also makes digestive system strong. It eliminates gas from the stomach and intestines. It removes offensive smell of the mouth and stool.
  • The carrot contains vitamin-B complex which makes digestive system strong. It ends indignation and eliminates gas from the stomach. 
73. Sleeplessness:
  • Taking one glass carrot juice regularly is useful to end sleeplessness.
  • Drinking carrot juice before 30-40 minutes of sleeping is beneficial to get relief in sleeplessness.
74. Spleen enlargement: Take carrot pickle, it provides relief in spleen enlargement.
75. Migraine: Apply some ghee upon carrot leaves and heat it. Grind these leaves and prepare oil from it and drip this oil in both the nostrils (Drop by drop), it ends migraine.
76. Stomach worms:
  • Take 125 ml carrot juice on empty stomach for 14 days regularly, it ends stomach worms and brings out with stool.
  • Taking raw carrot for 7 days is useful to kill regularly stomach worms.
  • Drink 125 ml carrot juice on empty stomach, it destroys stomach worms.
  • Drink one cup carrot juice for 15 days regularly; it brings out worms with stool.
77. Epistaxis: Drinking 200 ml carrot juice with 50 ml spinach juice is useful to prevent nose bleeding (epistaxis).
78. Fast pulsation of the heart:
  • Taking carrot is useful to get relief in fast pulsation of the heart and blood disorders.
  • Take 200 ml carrot juice regularly, it ends heart weakness and provides relief in fast pulsation of the heart.
79. Face wrinkle: Make a paste by mixing sandal powder, rose water and gram-flour with carrot juice and rub this paste on the face, it makes the face beautiful and shiny.
80. Head ulcer: Applying ground carrot on the head ulcer is useful to cure ulcer.
81. High blood pressure: Taking carrot juice with honey is useful to get relief in high blood pressure.
82. Skin diseases:
  • Skin diseases are cured by drinking one cup juice of carrot regularly.
  • Mostly carrot is found in the winter season. It contains completely vitamin-A in excessive quantity. Taking carrot ends dryness of the skin caused by lack of vitamin-A. 
  • Drinking carrot juice is useful to cure acnes. It increases brightness of the face.
  • Carrot juice kills germs and removes infection. It creates excitement and removes offensive smell of the blood. It purifies blood and cures blood diseases. It cures ulcer, pimples and acnes. It makes the face beautiful like rose flower. It is also useful to cure skin diseases. 
  •  It makes the face beautiful and pink like rose flower. Carrot’s juice is much useful to cure skin diseases.
  • Apply carrot juice on the neck and face by cotton piece and wash after some times with cool water, it fairs complexion.
  • Mix carrot juice, spinach juice and 2 spoons honey together. Taking this mixture with honey is useful to get relief in skin diseases. 
  • Mix carrot juice, tomato juice and common beet juice 20 grams each together. Taking it for 2 month regularly is useful to cure wrinkle, ringworm, acnes, ringworm and pimples. It also makes the face beautiful and shiny. 
83. Heart weakness:
  • Take cold jam of carrot, it makes heart pulsation normal caused by syphilis.
  • The heart weakness is cured by drinking 250 ml carrot juice regularly.
  • Toast carrot and put off peel at night after that keep it in the moon light. In the next morning, mix sugar and rose water with this carrot and take, it makes heart pulsation normal.
  • Taking 200 ml carrot juice with 100 ml pal juice (name of medicine) is useful to cure all the diseases of the heart.
84. Heart problems: Give one cup carrot juice to the patient for 40 days regularly, it ends heart problems.
85. Low blood pressure:
  • Take carrot or carrot juice, it provides relief in low blood pressure.
  • Taking 100 ml carrot juice with 50 ml spinach juice regularly is useful to make low blood pressure normal.
86. Ringworm:
  • Grind fine small pieces of carrot and toast after mixing black salt in it and tie it on the affected part; it provides relief in ringworm within some time.
  • Mix 185 ml carrot juice, 250 ml common beet juice and 125 ml cucumber juice together and take this mixture, it provides relief in ringworm.
87. Jaundice:
  • Taking 250 ml carrot juice with 2-3 spoon honey is useful.
  • Carrot is natural medicine to cure jaundice. Taking carrot juice regularly is useful to get relief in jaundice.
88. Tonsil: Taking carrot juice with two spoons honey or half spoon ginger juice is useful to cure tonsil.
89. Cosmetic: Make lettuce (salad) by cutting carrot, raw brassica camprestrice, tomato, cucumber and radish together and take, it makes the body beautiful.
90. Headache:
  • Drip 2 drops of hot juice of carrot in both the ears and 2 drops in both the nostrils, it ends headache.
  • Mix carrot juice, common beet juice and juice of half lemon together. Headache is ended by taking it at bed time. 
  • Mix about 200 ml carrot juice, 150 ml common beet juice and 125 ml cucumber juice with water. Taking this mixture is useful to end headache.
91. Face clean:
  • Drink half glass (About 125 grams) of carrot juice on empty stomach twice a day for 15-20 days regularly; it purifies the blood and increases hemoglobin in the blood because of which the face becomes clean.
  • Washing face with carrot juice is useful to make the face clean. It is very useful for the oily skin.
92. Memory weakness:
  • Take almonds and drink 125 ml carrot juice with 500 ml milk in the morning; it ends memory weakness and increases memory power.
  • Taking carrot pudding for two months regularly is useful to increase memory power.
93. Face beauty: Mix 30 ml carrot juice, 20 ml tomato juice and 10 ml juice of common beet together and take half glass of this mixture daily for 15-20 days; it cures acnes, wrinkles, shadow, spots and pimples of the face. It also makes the face red and beautiful like tomato. Only the juice of carrot or orange can be taken in spite of above mixture. Taking carrot juice 3-4 times in a day for 15-20 day regularly is useful. Any things should not be taken or drunk before and after one hour of taking it. Taking carrot juice also kills stomach worms and provides relief in acidity.
94. Scrofula: Take 310 ml carrot juice with 125 ml spinach juice, it cures scrofula.
95. Body swelling:
  • Boil five ml carrot seeds with 250 ml water and filter it and take, it ends body swelling caused by urine.
  • Make the powder by grinding 1-3 grams carrot seeds and take it twice a day, it helps in urination clearly and ends body swelling.
  • Grind or crush carrot and heat it and tie this carrot on the affected part, it ends swelling of the body.
96. Physically weakness:
  • Take 250 grams raw carrot and drink one kg water; it enhances body power and also makes the body strong.
  • Drink one glass of carrot juice empty stomach twice a day regularly is useful. This juice can be drunk with milk. Mixture juice of carrot should be taken thrice a day, it ends physically weakness.
  • Taking carrot pudding is useful to end weakness of the body and kidney.
  • Take carrot, pepper, Indian gooseberry, amaranthus, tamarind, apple, leaves of radish and orange together, it enhances the body power.
  • Take half glass (About 125 grams) of carrot juice twice a day regularly, it cures ulcer and pimples besides it also purifies the blood and increases body weight. This mixture should be taken for 15-20 days regularly.
97. Tonsillitis (Throat tumour): Taking carrot juice is useful to get relief in tonsillitis (Throat tumour). 
98. Throat diseases: Take carrot juice, it ends throat swelling, hoarseness and inflammation of the mouth palate.

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